Transpersonal Semantics, Practical and Mystical Reflections - a beautiful site of contemplative thoughts and imagery
esoterie.klup.nl, De menselijke database - Dutch site with links to various esoteric sites
Metareligion includes topics about gnosticism, religions, sects, occultism, theosophy and many other things.
Occult Advances: Advances about the Alchemical Great Work, the Aura, the Tree of Life, the Temple rebuilding in Jerusalem and the Shekinah, the rotation of Elements, the awakening of Kundalini, Yoga & Alchemy, the antediluvian worldwide language of Atlantis ...
Makara is a clearinghouse of established and modern, evolving esoteric philosophy of Trans-Himalayan or Ageless Wisdom Teachings as dispensed for modern day through H. P. Blavatsky and A. A. Bailey
The Egyptian Foundations of Gnostic Thought - by Daniel R. McBride - on line thesis
School of Psychoanthropology - a French-based multiulingual site devoted to spiritual transformation, offering courses and seminars and taught by Selim Aissel. Drawing on such traditions as Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Krishnamurti, Zen Buddhism, and Sufism.
"presents the UNIVERSAL TEACHING , the lost initiation of the initiates of the past - which answers all mystic questions"
"Explore the consciousness of The Soul through the cosmology, mythology, and inspiration of Ancient Egypt. Visit The Bookstore, The Hall of Right and Truth, Mammisi or ancient Egyptian Birth House, and an ancient Egyptian Temple. Send an ancient Egyptian E greeting. Lots to discover and explore. Enjoy!"